STOP Chasing Trends–Build an Authentic Audience

Your YouTube co-pilot to help you find the right ideas:
... actionable video ideas in YOUR unique style
... based on what your niche is already asking for
Understand your audience without losing yourself chasing viral trends.
What will recommend to your channel? Sign up to find out 👇

I've Heard The Complaints...

"It made my channel worse. I forgot about myself."

"all they do is remix outliers without ever explaining why they resonate"

"I still have to work my way through them looking for the ideas. I just want it to say make these videos for these reasons"

❌ If you're looking to go viral, this is NOT for you

✅ If you're looking to build an authentic audience and save HOURS researching, watch this video👇

What Are Creators Saying About

"... One of the biggest issues that I still struggle with to this day before I found VideoHawk was coming up with YouTube titles and ideas all the time. It's one of the hardest things as a new creator.

VideoHawk speeds up the process a lot, saves a lot of time, and ultimately pretty much makes me more money..."

Marcus Krause


"VideoHawk is the future of data-driven content creation... The average YouTube title generator is pretty generic, but VideoHawk is so special because it's personalized.

I used to spend hours and hours going through my home recommended trying to find viral videos that are similar to my niche that are going viral...

VideoHawk does everything that the average big YouTuber probably spend thousands and thousands of dollars on teams and employees to do. I would feel like I'm actively throwing away money by not using this software."



"... I went from having 2 to 3 ideas on my list to having 20 to 30 ideas in a matter of minutes.  So yeah, I highly recommend it. The main thing I've noticed about using it is my upload consistency has increased..."

Álvaro Pérez


VideoHawk gave me some great insight into what channels are similar to my niche, and what video topics / titles to explore. It helped greatly with my ideation, and I recommend it for people exploring new ways to come up with video topics for their channel!

Mo Power


... and so much more

Hitting a plateau with fresh video ideas?

Imagine waking up to a personalized dashboard filled with curated video ideas tailored to your audience's desires.

No more guesswork, no more staring at a blank page.

Picture your channel jam-packed with fresh, compelling content.

Picture your comment section full of people thanking you for your videos.

Picture your DMs flooded with other creators asking what you changed.


❌ Wasting your time with these generic AI-generated video idea generators

❌ Mindlessly copying outlier titles that don't work on your channel

❌ Spending hours looking at top creators for trending video ideas


No, is NOT another "outlier tool"


How is Different?

Deeply Personalized To Your Channel

Your new video ideas are based on YOUR channel's title style, keywords, topics, and goals.

Shows You WHY

Other tools just show you WHAT outperformed. shows you WHY.

Keeps You In Control

From reading the questions your audience is asking, to learning WHY a video in your niche landed with its viewers, is here to help you make more informed decisions.

Built For Creators Like You

Optimized for small and medium-sized authentic creators in information niches, NOT big-name entertainment channels.

Your New YouTube Co-pilot

Analyze and select the most relevant creators in your niche...

Start leveraging the real-world success from creators most relevant to your channel and audience.

Access ALL of your niche's outperforming videos at your fingertips...

See all the videos outperforming their averages across all the creators in your niche.

Sift through THOUSANDS of comments for what your audience is ALREADY asking for...

Unlock the power of the comment section of top creators across your niche, a gold mine of untapped desire.

Generate a curated list of new personalized videos just for YOUR channel.

Wake up to a dashboard filled with new video ideas tailored to YOUR channel and audience's interests.

See what recommends based on your goals.

Tell about your product, community, or channel goals, and let it spot gaps in your content for new video ideas.

They Said It Best

Just wanted to let you know that I think your software is phenomenal and really ahead of its time, haven't made any videos off the titles yet but its given me a ton of ideas, cant wait to play around it some more. THANKS! [...]

VideoHawk's ability to straight up go through channels in my niche and figure out titles based on successful videos is amazing and nothing like Ive seen before.

Chad M.

First impression - really remarkable man. I just read the 7 day summary and it’s very relevant.

The K.

lots of really cool features here, like the comments thing, really nice

Josh F.

It's given me some really nice vid ideas.

It really knows what works and what relevant channels and videos are specifically for me

The format and audience explorers are GREAT too, very very cool and super useful

I’m really happy with the quality and experience of VideoHawk. It will definitely make my life easier and my channel better. Not much more to say..

Would recommend!


I just tried it out, this is awesome man!!

Saja F.

this is pretty sick bro

Cristian F.

It's definitely more accurate or catchier than VidIQ. [...]

This is probably one of the best title-based tools I've ever seen. [...]

I like it because I still have a choice, but it makes me a lot more informed behind myself. It gives you more options. [...]

And it's good because the titles are actually like, really good. They're not just some AI dog sh**.


Yeah, this outperforming videos thing is actually very good. [...] I've got a lot of good video ideas from this.

Oli T.

Just off a quick run through, I’m very impressed.

Mohamed H.